class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Getting Started in R
an introduction to data analysis and visualisation
## Reading in Data from API ### Réka Solymosi & Sam Langton --- class: inverse, center, middle # API --- ### What are APIs? ###A set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service. --- ### What are APIs? ###You’ve probably heard of companies packaging APIs as products. For example, Weather Underground sells access to its weather data API. --- ### Example: Twitter API <img src="" height="400px" /> [Spatio-temporal crime hotspots and the ambient population]( --- ### Example: Twitter API <img src="" height="400px" /> [These charts show exactly how racist and radical the alt-right has gotten this year]( --- ### Authentication ###To access the API you need credentials []( --- ### Script to get data ###To access the API you need a script to get data ```r library(twitteR) twitter_result <- searchTwitter(search_word, n=number_of_tweets, geocode= paste(loc_of_tweets, search_radius, sep=",")) ``` --- ### Let's try! ![](